mystic middle school chorus

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Eighth Grade Final Exam


MMS Tyler Fantastic Festivals 2019

MMS Berry Fantastic Festivals 2019

Final Exam:

  1. Dynamics-pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff-pianissimo (very soft), piano (soft), mezzo piano (medium soft), mezzo forte (medium loud), forte (loud), fortissimo (very loud)
  2. Matching symbols-selected from the following: crescendo, decrescendo, diminuendo, ritardando, staccato, accent, tenuto, breath mark
  3. Choral terminology:
    1. head voice, chest voice
    2. types of male changing voice singers
    3. tone production
    4. staff terminology: time signature, key signature
    5. identify key signatures
    6. types of scales
    7. note identification
  4. Repertoire
    1. composers
    2. genre of music
    3. tonality and meter of pieces
    4. meaning of text
  5. Adjudicators Comments
    1. Constructive criticism
    2. Further advice/instruction
  6. Strategy moving forward
  7. Extra Credit

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